Night Out Accidents

We all love to go on a good night out, whether it be to the pub on a Friday night after work, out for a dance with our friends, or for a meal.  We all look forward to this free time where we can socialise, relax, and let our hair down.

It is the last thought on our mind that we may suffer an accident which causes us an injury.  There are many potential hazards on a night out – these can include spillages negligently left uncleaned on the floor, which cause a slip hazard, broken glass negligently left on the floor causing a laceration to the foot or exacerbating a fall injury, or it may be that you have suffered an injury from the venue being filled over capacity.  This is by no means an exhaustive list; if you have suffered any accident that was not your fault then you may have a claim for compensation.

Any venue for a night out, whether it’s a pub, a bar, a restaurant or a night club, has a duty to protect it’s customer as far as is reasonably possible.

If you have suffered an accident whilst on a night out then there are a few important things to remember:

  1. Report the incident to a member of staff as an accident report may need to be recorded. This also provides evidence for any later claim.
  2. Seek medical attention for your injuries, as this allows the medic to place a note in your medical records.
  3. Check for any witnesses to your accident. If present, obtain their contact details as they may be valuable support to any later personal injury claim.
  4. Seek out a specialist personal injury lawyer.  It is advisable not to use referral firms as they may simply sell your claim onto another law firm for a referral fee rather than finding you the person who will give you the highest level of service.  It is advisable to do this as soon as possible after the accident when events are fresh in your mind.

You may be having doubts about bringing a personal injury claim stemming from a night out, due to worries regarding your consumption of alcohol. Well, my answer to this would be that you do not know without trying – at The Injury Lawyers we give free assessments for any potential claim and you never pay us a penny.

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