Accident Claims Advice

Can I claim for my accident?

After suffering an accident that was not your fault, you may feel fragile and confused.  You may not know what options are available and what these options would cost to you to pursue.  This is why our team here at The Injury Lawyers feel it is necessary to write these blogs – we want to make you confident about your rights to claim for compensation. You may feel that due to your accident happening in a big supermarket for instance that you have no chance in succeeding with a possible claim. Our dedicated team at The Injury Lawyers are here to help – your lawyers are there to fight your corner for your claim.

At The Injury Lawyers we have clients come to us with a whole range of accidents. A few examples of the types of personal injury claims we deal with:

  1. Road Traffic Accidents – these are extremely common claims and can range from rear end shunts to head on collisions.  Even if the other driver is uninsured or untraced we can direct your claim to the Motor Insurance Bureau, who will pay out any compensation you are entitled to have.
  2. Accidents at work – these can include anything from falling from a height to lifting heavy objects, or industrial disease cases such as Vibration White Finger.  We appreciate that claiming against your employer can be a mentally difficult task to do.  However, all employers have a duty to protect their employees as far as is reasonably possible. They must also have insurance covering these kinds of situations when they end up being negligent.
  3. Accidents within a supermarket – there are many hazards within a supermarket. These can include slipping on a spillage, tripping on an item left on the floor of an aisle, or items falling upon you from a poorly stacked shelf.  Supermarkets, like anywhere else, have a duty to protect their customers as much as possible, and they must comply with health and safety regulations.
  4. Clinical negligence – if you feel that you have not had sufficient care from a medical professional, whether it is from your GP, hospital, or a clinic, and this has led you to have a personal injury, you may have a claim for compensation.

The above list is by no means exhaustive; it is always best to call a specialist injury lawyer for a free assessment of your claim.

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