Road Accidents – Wet Weather

It’s been grey and miserable all weekend where I live; and it’s no better on the return to work on Monday morning. I’ve heard there has been a bit of snow around as well – all this just as I was acclimatising to the slightly warmer temperatures of 5- 8 degree Celsius following the big freeze we have had over the festive period.

The look and feel of the miserable and wet weather isn’t the only thing people need to be concerned with – driving conditions need to be at the forefront of people’s minds on a grey day like today. If you are involved in accident that wasn’t your fault, the weather is not a party to blame. If another vehicle has collided with yours because they failed to appreciate the requirement for an increased stopping distance in wet weather, or they came screeching around a corner or a roundabout too fast and have skidded due to the damp surface or the roads, they are still to blame.

Wet weather is not an excuse one can use to escape being liable to compensate the victim of a road accident. If anything, people should be driving with a great deal more care, and more accidents should be avoided. So if you are the victim – you can make a claim!

If you have been injured in an accident because another driver has:

  • Failed to increase their stopping distance and has crashed in to the back of you – you have a claim for compensation.
  • Gone too fast around a bend or a roundabout and has skidded in to a collision with your vehicle – you can make a claim for compensation.
  • Failed to increase their stopping distance and come out of ma junction from a minor road in to your vehicle on a major road – you can make a claim for compensation.
  • Lost control of their vehicle through failing to appreciate the weather conditions and failing to take extra care – you have a claim for compensation.

The wet weather is not an excuse – if you have been hit by another drivers failure to adapt to adverse weather conditions, you are still more than entitled to make a successful claim for compensation.

You Need To:

  • Speak to an independent expert personal injury solicitor for a free assessment of the merits of your claim for compensation.
  • Instruct an independent expert personal injury solicitor on a Genuine No Win No Fee basis – meaning win or lose, you never pay a penny.
  • Speak to your doctor about any treatment requirements you may have – if you need physio or similar care, a good injury lawyer should organise this from the outset of your case on a private basis at no cost to you.
  • Avoid letting insurance companies involve themselves in the personal injury side of a claim – your insurers may refer you on to a lawyer through “Legal Expense Insurance” or Legal Protection”. Your claim is sold to a law firm for a referral fee, leaving your solicitor with less money to spend on maximising your claim and providing you with the best service. Dealing with insurers directly leaves you open to under-settling your claim, and no legal representation to help you get the most compensation.

What Should You Do to Stay Safe on Wet Roads

  • Take extra care – increase your distances between your vehicle and the ones in front.
  • Light your vehicle during daylight hours if the weather has lowered visibility in any way.
  • Look out for puddles on the road – it’s too easy to lose control of your vehicle through aquaplaning (your wheels driving on the surface of the water with little or no grip on the road whatsoever).
  • Ensure you always have some emergency supplies in your car in the event of a breakdown – water, a warm / dry coat etc.

For more advice, feel free to get in touch for a no obligation chat about your rights when claiming for compensation.

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