Road Traffic Accidents – Seat Belts

It seems that the roads are forever getting busier: we seem to be forever in a traffic jam going the wrong way to the traffic. Not only this, but people seem to want to get every where faster.  These factors together can mean there are more road traffic accidents as there are more people on the road who are driving without using the necessary care and attention.

Now we all know that not wearing a seat belt whilst driving is breaking the law. But with these increasing road traffic accident figures in mind, it can also be a life saving device.  Furthermore, and what many people do not realise, is that if you are not wearing your seat belt and you have an accident, there may be an affect for any personal injury claim you later make.

If you are not wearing a seat belt and you are involved in a road accident, the compensation to which you may be entitled to further on down the line may be reduced by up to 25% – in legal terms this is known as a reduction due to contributory negligence.

In order to stay as safe as possible whilst driving, avoid being prosecuted by police, and to avoid situations where you may have compensation reduced in the unfortunate event you are involved in a road traffic accident, it is important to wear a seat belt at all times whilst driving. The rules surrounding wearing a seat belt are simple enough for most in that all individuals over the age of 14 must wear an adult seat belt (there can be some exceptions).  For children under the age of 14 these rules can get a bit more complex as it is dependent on the age and height of the child as to whether they wear an adult seat belt or child restraint. More information regarding this can be found at

Most people wear a seat belt when driving or being driven in a car. It is when travelling on buses, coaches, or minibuses that passengers can neglect to wear a seat belt.  On a minibus you must always wear a seat belt or child restraint if one is fitted/available. On coaches and buses, if you are over 14, you must wear a seatbelt if one is fitted. Again, there are exceptions to the above.

At The Injury Lawyers we work hard on behalf of our clients to get them the best possible amounts of compensation.  We have a vast amount of experience in dealing with personal injury claims and will always try and get you the maximum amount. But bear in mind there are occasions where your compensation can be reduced – so stick to the law!

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