Supermarket Injury Claims

Supermarkets; you can either love them or you hate them. Many people favour supermarkets as they have everything under one roof, discounts galore, and plenty of choice. For some, they dread the weekly ‘big’ shop due to the hassle of queuing at tills and queuing in traffic to get in and out of the shop car park.  Whatever your feeling on supermarkets, I can hazard a guess that you would not anticipate having an accident whilst shopping in one that was not your fault.

There are many potential hazards in supermarkets. These can include a spillage that has been negligently left unmopped on the floor, causing a dangerous slip hazard, or an item left on the floor causing a trip hazard, or a poorly stacked shelf causing an item/items to fall on someone.  This is not an exhaustive list, as our clients here at The Injury Lawyers can vouch for having suffered all sorts of accidents whilst in a supermarket.

If you have suffered an accident whilst in a supermarket and it was not your fault then you may have a claim for compensation.

What to do if you suffer an injury in a supermarket

In the event you have an accident in a supermarket, you should report it to a member of staff who may need to fill in an accident report entry. You should seek medical attention for your injuries – this not only assists with your injuries, but also allows the medic to make a note of them in your medical records.  You should check for witnesses to the accident, and if present, ascertain their contact details as they may be able to provide valuable support to any later claim for personal injury. You should also seek the advice of a specialist personal injury solicitor like ourselves who can give a free assessment on whether we can take your claim on or not. 

If you do decide to go with a particular law firm, always make sure that if they do take on your claim, they will assist you on a genuine no win no fee basis: before signing or agreeing to any agreement, always read it through thoroughly.

At The Injury Lawyers we have a vast amount of experience in supermarket injury claims. We work on a genuine no win no fee basis and we work hard on behalf of our clients to make sure we get them the best possible amounts of compensation.

Call 0800 634 7575 to get your supermarket injury claim started today.

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