Whiplash Compensation

Britain’s roads seem to be getting busier than ever. We always seem to be going the wrong way to the traffic – we may be in jams going to work, coming home from work, going to the shops on a Saturday, or even doing the school runs.

Not only this, but people’s lives seem to be busier and more chaotic. This fact coupled with the above means that we have roads that are more clogged with users who may not be paying the necessary care and attention to the road.

The result of the above can lead to more road traffic accidents.  If you have been involved in a road traffic accident and it was not your fault, then you may have a personal injury claim for compensation.

Many victims of road traffic accidents that come to us commonly suffer from whiplash.  Whiplash is an injury that is caused by the sudden jolting of the neck, forcing it to move beyond its normal range of movement.  This can cause symptoms which usually do not become apparent to the sufferer until 6-12 hours after the accident. The symptoms may then deteriorate for up to a week after the accident (or longer).  These symptoms can include the neck being painful and stiff, areas of the neck may swell, and there may even be a lack of mobility in the neck, and in more extreme cases, no mobility at all.  A sufferer of whiplash may also suffer from regular and sometimes severe headaches, and pins and needles in the arms. This list of symptoms are not exhaustive and different people can suffer from different symptoms.

Whiplash can not only be felt from sufferers of road traffic accidents, but also from accidents such as a fall from a height or a slip on a spillage: i.e. anything which can cause a jolt to the neck.

After a road accident, it is important to report the matter to the police who may want to complete a report. You should also seek medical attention for your injuries as this allows the medic to place a note of it in your medical records.  Check for witnesses to the accident, and if present, obtain their contact details. The witness evidence may be valuable in supporting any later claim you make.  Lastly, you should contact a specialist personal injury solicitor to deal with your claim directly. I say directly as there are many referral firms out there who may simply sell your claim on to a paying law firm, rather than the firm who will give you the best service.

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