Compensation Culture? We Think Not…

Apparently we are all making claims for compensation.  As soon as the slightest thing happens to us we want to be compensated.  In fact, the situation has got so bad that no-one dare let us do anything now in case we get the smallest of ‘injuries’ and put in a claim.  Worse still, apparently people are getting compensation without having to prove any wrong-doing on the other sides’ part or with the flimsiest of evidence.  And this is all because lawyers keep telling us to make claims on a ‘No Win No Fee’ basis.  Well, that is what the media would have us believe at least.  So are we gripped in a ‘compensation culture’ that is worsening the society we live in?

I would say definitely not.  You simply cannot be compensated unless you have a real injury, and this was caused by someone else’s negligence.  Certainly, if you are making a claim for compensation owing to a personal injury, you will need evidence, such as a medical report, to support your injury.  And even then, you (well, your lawyers) will need to demonstrate that you were injured because of someone else’s negligent action(s).

And further, what would a lawyer get from taking on a claim that will never succeed on a ‘No Win, No Fee’ basis?  If you do not win your claim they do not get paid.  And how is a lawyer going to get paid for winning your case, if your injury is not real and you and was not caused by the fault of a negligent third party?  Here at The Injury Lawyers we work on a Genuine No Win, No Fee which means that we never charge you – ever!  That means there would be absolutely nothing in it for us at all to take on a claim that has no chance of succeeding.  We would therefore never encourage this.

We are simply not caught up in a ‘Compensation Culture’. Instead, I would suggest that what is happening is that people are now more conscious that they are able to claim for compensation if they have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence.  Because of greater media advertising amongst personal injury lawyers, people have become more aware.

So, if you have suffered a personal injury through no fault of your own and you believe you may have a claim for compensation, please do not feel that if you seek the advice of a quality professional injury lawyer that you will be labelled, wrongly, as some sort of person trying to make money from nothing.  Our team here at The Injury Lawyers are a professional and highly respected firm with a history of excellence in this area of law.  Our lawyers can advise you as to whether you have a genuine claim for compensation in a matter of minutes.  There is nothing in it for us to string you along; we would not make money from pretending you have a claim. So please do not be apprehensive about getting in touch if you have been injured!

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