Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

You may guess the general topic of this blog is accidents at work – but more specifically accidents stemming from a lack of/inadequate personal protective equipment (or PPE for short).

PPE is safety equipment which is given to workers to either wear or use to protect them from risks to their health and safety. These are risks which cannot be limited in any other manner and PPE is the last resort.  PPE can include protection for eyes – i.e.goggles; protection for the ears – i.e. ear defenders; gloves; respirators or masks; or even protection from adverse weather conditions. This brings me onto a news story which I have recently read whereby a former army chef who could no longer work within this field due to contracting a non freezing cold injury. The chef worked at temperatures as low as minus 14 degrees Celsius and was not given the correct PPE for these conditions. The chef successfully sued the MOD for £150,000.

It is also noteworthy that an employer should not ask for you to pay for the PPE, or ask you to make any contributions towards it. Regulations in the UK state that it is the duty of the employer to provide the appropriate PPE to their employees. Furthermore, employers should check that the PPE is properly maintained and stored, and properly issue instructions through training as to the correct use of the PPE. Employers should then keep a check that the PPE is used correctly.

If you have been injured at work due to a lack of/ inappropriate PPE then you may have a claim for compensation. There are many sorts of injuries that can be caused by a lack of/inappropriate PPE which can include lacerations to the hands or feet due to a lack of a gloves or safety boots, deafness due to a lack of ear defenders, or head injuries due to a lack of the appropriate headgear.  There are also many types of industrial disease that are preventable by the use of PPE – these can include vibration white finger and asbestos related diseases.

At The Injury Lawyers we have a vast amount of experience in dealing with PPE related accidents or industrial diseases. We give free assessment on claims whether we take the claim on or not and we work under a genuine no win no fee agreement.

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