Bus / Coach Accident Claims

You may see many personal injury referral agents or law firms advertising personal injury claims stemming from road traffic accidents, and so you are probably aware that if you suffer from a road traffic accident arising either driving in a car or being driven that you may have a claim for compensation.  However, what you may not have realised is that if you have been a passenger on a bus or coach and suffered a personal injury, you may also have a claim for compensation.

The personal injury as mentioned above could have happened in any number of ways whilst being a passenger on a bus or coach. Firstly, and maybe most obviously, is that the bus or coach may have been in a general road traffic accident. This may be due to fault on the bus driver’s part or on another motorist, adverse weather conditions, or a mechanical fault with either the bus or another vehicle. A second reason could be that you have fallen in the gangway of a bus; this could be due to the bus jerking suddenly to a stop, due to tripping over on an item negligently left in the path, or due to a spillage negligently left uncleaned.

If you have had an accident on a bus or coach due to any of the reasons above then you may have a claim for compensation. It must be of note that the above list is not exhaustive and if you have any accident which was not your fault then you may have a claim.

In order to keep safe whilst travelling on a bus I have listed a few helpful tips:

  1. Whilst walking down the gangway of a bus be aware of any items left on the floor and always make sure your pathway is clear
  2. Avoid sitting small children on the end of the seat near the gangway.
  3. Try to sit at the first available seat on a bus to avoid standing whilst the bus is moving away from the stop.
  4. If a seatbelt is provided always make use of it.

At The Injury Lawyers we have a vast amount of experience in dealing with bus/coach related personal injury claims.

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