Road Traffic Accidents

Road traffic accidents can happen anywhere on our roads at any time. We put our trust in others on the road to drive safely; thus keeping other road users safe. However, as I was reminded on my way to work this morning – this is not always the case. On the M1 today (Thursday 9th March 2011) at around junction 29, a lorry had crashed through the central reservation colliding with a number of cars in the process. As a consequence five people were taken to hospital; two of which with serious injuries.

The above incident serves to make us all the more aware of the dangers of driving on the motorway.

Many people can love motorway driving due to the ease and the increased speed you can get to places. However, on the flip-side, many people can dread motorway driving as it is a type of driving which requires increased concentration, due to the high speeds involved, and even a heightened experience of driving in order to become more confident within the motorway environment.

Accidents can happen on the motorway for a number of reasons. I have listed some of these below:

  1. Not leaving enough space between vehicles – if road users travel too closely together at such high speeds and traffic suddenly comes to a standstill, especially at junctions, drivers have no time to stop. Many motorways make the use of chevron signs to avoid this problem.
  2. Merging/changing lanes incorrectly – it is absolutely crucial that when changing lanes you employ the mirror, signal manoeuvre system. This makes sure you are checking the lane you are moving to is clear and that other road users are aware of your intentions; thus avoiding accidents.
  3. Driving whilst tired – this can be a common problem with drivers, especially on the motorway where many road users are embarking on long journeys to their final location. You should never drive whilst tired and you should always ensure you take regular breaks from driving.
  4. Be aware of heavy goods vehicles and try to give them space – many heavy goods vehicles can experience a limited field of vision whilst driving, especially if it is a foreign vehicle where they are driving on the other side of the vehicle – thus, be aware and make space for these vehicles.

If you have experienced an accident on the road and it was not your fault then you may have a claim for compensation.

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