Compensation Claiming – No Hassle

I think many people feel that the process of claiming for an injury will be lots of hassle and will be too complicated and time consuming. If you choose the wrong lawyer, this may turn out to be a correct assumption. Our team here at The Injury Lawyers, however, aim to make this process much quicker, simpler, and hassle free to the injured victim.

At The Injury Lawyers our philosophy is that if you have suffered an accident and it was not your fault you are entitled to make a claim; and so you should be as you have suffered injury and what may be extensive financial losses due to the negligence of another person / company. We make this process hassle free by having a policy to update our clients every two weeks which takes the stress away from the client, allowing them to rest assured their claim is being dealt with as efficiently as possible.  This ensures our clients are updated and the claim is worked on a least every 2 weeks. At The Injury Lawyers we also ensure to return calls / e-mails on the same day or within 24 hours of receipt; thus again displaying high service levels we give to our clients.

On first approaching a law firm you should ensure that any initial advice given is free of charge – this is always the case at The Injury Lawyers. Just by enquiring about your claim you have nothing to lose.

The personal injury claims system is aimed at encouraging settlement before the claim gets issued to a court.  This makes the whole process more transparent and each side of the claim (claimant and defendant) are encouraged to disclose documentation to each other so the claim can be assessed at an early stage. This gives the claimant, i.e. you, answers earlier and gets the claim concluded quicker.

The Pre-action Protocol for Personal Injury claims sets out that from when the Letter of Claim is sent (the letter which sets out your accident circumstances and requests documents regarding your accident), the defendants have 21 days to acknowledge receipt and a further 3 months to investigate (normally through their insurers, solicitors, or a claims representative). By this time we would expect a response regarding liability on your claim; i.e. whether they admit or deny fault. If they admit we can go on to collating evidence of your injury and losses. If they deny fault, it doesn’t mean it’s the end of your claim, as we will assess all the documentation and depending on this, decide whether to carry the claim on.

At The Injury Lawyers we work hard on behalf of our clients making sure they get the best possible levels of compensation. It’s quite common for the other side to try and deny liability; so ensure you have a fantastic lawyer fighting your corner for the claim.

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