Supermarket Accident Claims

Shopping in supermarkets can be a chore for some and a point of enjoyment for others. People may enjoy the weekly visit to the supermarket to complete the ‘big shop‘ as there are a cheaper prices, a great many discounts, and everything is under one roof. Many people may dread that ‘big shop‘ due to the hassle of queues at the tills and traffic upon entering and exiting the expanse of the car park. Whatever your feelings on supermarkets it is the last thought on your mind that you will have an accident in one that was not your fault.

If the above is true and you have had an accident in a supermarket that was not your fault then you may have a claim for compensation. There are many potential hazards in supermarkets – these ranging from an item left negligently on the floor of an aisle to a spillage left negligently uncleaned on the floor. Supermarkets like anywhere else have a duty to protect their customers as far as is reasonably possible. Supermarkets must comply with strict health and safety regulations. Supermarkets must also train their employees in implementing safety procedures. These procedures could involve regular checks of aisles to make sure they are clear, a procedure for spillages, or training in how to safely stack food on to shelves to ensure they do not fall and cause an injury.

In the event you are unfortunate enough to suffer an injury within a supermarket there are a few important things to do. You should report the incident to a member of staff as they may need to fill in an accident book extract. You should check for any witnesses to the accident and obtain their contact details. Witnesses can provide valuable support to any later claim for compensation you may have. You should seek medical attention for your injuries as this not only assists with your injuries but also allows the medic to make a record of the incident in your medical notes. Lastly, you should seek the advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer. It is advisable that this is done directly with a law firm and not through a referral agent. This is because referral agents act as middle men and may simply sell your claim on to the highest bidding law firm and not the firm who will give you the best service.

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