Product Liability

The term ‘Product Liability’ may at first seem like legal jargon for which you do not know what it means, and it may seem too complex to be bothering with finding out what it means. All it does mean however is that within a personal injury context, it is a product which has in some way caused you harm.

Products which appear on the shelves of our shops should go through a series of checks to ensure they are safe for the public to use. Now, for a product that causes you harm – these checks may not have been completed thoroughly, or the product may have been missed some how and not checked at all.

There are many potential claims for product liability. One of the first is due to faulty products. If you have received an injury due to a faulty product then you may have a claim for compensation. Examples of such an injury could be burns from a faulty hot water bottle bursting, an unsafe chair which causes it to collapse, or a child’s toy which may have not been suitable for that age group, and thus small parts have detached causing injury to the child. It may also include food items which have been contaminated and as such has caused you an injury or illness – an example of this may be that small pieces of glass has entered your product – this could be due to a fault at the manufacturers and their packaging process.

At The Injury Lawyers we also have clients approaching us after suffering a reaction to a cosmetic product – this product may be anything from hair dye to lipstick, or even shower gel.  Reactions can include rashes, scars, and even burns. This can be particularly upsetting to the sufferer if these reactions then turn into permanent scars. The Injury Lawyers also have clients approaching us after having laser hair removal treatments that have gone wrong.  Laser hair removal being completed wrongly or used on skin where it shouldn’t be could cause permanent scarring to the area – this can be especially saddening to a potential claimant if the scarring is to the face.

At The Injury Lawyers we have experience in dealing with all different types of product liability personal injury claims. We work on a genuine no win no fee basis.

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