Tripping Claims

Tripping over can be seen as a minor mistake which may, if you are with friends, be the cause of much laughter. Now, in the event this trip is not your fault and is brought about by the negligence of another, with this negligence causing you to not only fall but to injure yourself in the process, it is not a joke, and it could be the basis of a claim for personal injury.

Many clients have to come to The Injury Lawyers after having suffered the unfortunate injustice of tripping over due to another’s negligence. These clients may have suffered serious injuries such as fractures, lacerations to areas such as the head, or perhaps concussion.

Trips can happen in all sorts of places – for example they may happen whilst walking down the street and there may be a defect on the walkway which causes you to trip. It may happen whilst shopping in a supermarket as an item has been negligently left on the floor of an aisle, or the trip may even take place at work. Whatever the location, if the trip was not your fault and has caused you injury, you may have a claim for compensation.

If you have suffered a trip that was not your fault, it is important to report it – either to a member of staff in the premises, or if it happened on a public highway, report it to the council. You should take photographic evidence of the trip hazard which caused your accident as this may be needed in any later claim for compensation you may have. Medical attention should be sought for your injuries as this not only allows for your injuries to be assisted with, but also allows the medic to place a record in your medical notes. Lastly you should seek the advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer – we will give free claim assessments whether we take the claim on or not.

At The Injury Lawyers we have a vast amount of experience in dealing with trip claims. We work on a genuine no win no fee basis, and you should feel no fear in approaching us for advice.

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