Do I Have a Claim for Compensation?

There seems to be an increase in the exposure of personal injury claiming. This may be due to the increased amount of advertising we see regarding personal injury claiming on the television and radio. This increased exposure serves to make people more aware of their rights when it comes to claiming for personal injury, as well as what compensation they may be entitled to claim.

In saying the above however, at The Injury Lawyers one of the first questions potential clients ask after they have informed us of their accident circumstances is – ‘have I got a claim?’.

At The Injury Lawyers we give free claim assessments – so whether are answer is positive or negative, you do not have to pay a thing; so you have nothing to lose in trying and gaining a little advice. If we advise we are unable to take on your claim, we may still be able to give advice about what other options you have – we always like to help where we can.

The general and extremely simplistic rule is that if you have been injured through no fault of your own, then you may have a claim for compensation. Once you have been involved in an accident, it is best to gain advice from a specialist personal injury solicitor as soon as possible. I say this as there are time limits whereby the court can bar a case from proceeding. It is also useful to gain advice as soon as possible as the events of the accident are fresh in your mind – and with a specialist in personal injury advising you from the outset, it may mean your case has a better chance of succeeding.

At The Injury Lawyers we deal with a vast amount of different sorts of personal injury cases. I have listed some of the main types below:

  1. Road traffic accidents – the system for dealing with more recent road traffic accidents has changed, making it quicker and more stream-lined, so you, the client, get those answers faster.
  2. Accidents at work – this may be due to a lack of/inadequate personal protective equipment, or may even be an industrial disease claim such as vibration white finger.
  3. Accidents in supermarket – there are many potential hazards in a supermarket ranging from a trip/slip hazards or an item falling on you from a poorly stacked shelf.

For more advice, feel free to get in touch

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