Losses Information

When clients first approach The Injury Lawyers regarding their claims, they are aware that they may be entitled to compensation for their injuries, but are very often unaware of the extent of financial losses which may be claimed back separately to their injury compensation.

Upon taking on a new claim the advisors here at The Injury Lawyers would advise on all aspects of losses information. This serves to make the client aware that they must keep a log of any losses they have incurred / are incurring, and to keep any receipts or invoices for these in a safe place.

Once your losses information is collated by your solicitor, a document known as a Schedule of Loss can be drafted. This sets out all your items of financial loss. This Schedule should then be sent to you to be agreed. Many clients upon receipt of this Schedule question why there injury compensation is not listed as an item. Our answer to them is that injury compensation is claimed for separately to your losses and so does not form part of your Schedule of Loss. This being said however, your injury compensation and your losses may be paid in a settlement all in one global amount.

I have listed below some of the main types of loss that may appear on a Schedule of Loss:

  1. Loss of earnings – if you have been absent from work due to your accident and you were unpaid or were on a reduced pay, such as the statutory sick pay, then you may be able to claim for a loss of earnings.
  2. Treatment costs – for many clients here at The Injury Lawyers we are able to arrange private treatment, such as physiotherapy. This means that the client does not have to wait on an NHS waiting list – The costs of this treatment can then be claimed back in the Schedule of Loss.
  3. Care and assistance – if you have required personal or domestic assistance as a result of your accident, this may be claimed back at an hourly rate. It must be of note however that this money is payable to the carer/carers and 100% of what is claimed for may not be received.
  4. Other items of loss can include – prescription costs (if these are paid) and travel costs such as to medical appointments.

At The Injury Lawyers we are able to advise on all aspects of loss.

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