Tripping Claims

Tripping can be a cause of much hilarity for some. Tripping has provided much comedic material for many professional stand-up comedians, especially those of years gone by. Tripping, however, is no laughing matter; at The Injury Lawyers, we treat it with the seriousness it deserves. We know that tripping up is no laughing matter as we have had many clients here at The Injury Lawyers suffer serious injury due to such accidents. These serious injuries may not only affect their health, but affect their whole way of life.

If you have suffered an injury due to tripping up on something and it was not your fault, you may have a claim for compensation. Tripping up can happen anywhere, such as at the supermarket where an item is left on the floor of an aisle and not tidied away, or at work, for example in a warehouse, where there was no area to place materials out of the path of workers – thus causing a trip hazard. One of the main types of trip injury we get here at The Injury Lawyers are those on public highways. At The Injury Lawyers we have many clients who have tripped over defective pavements or kerbing – this maybe where there is paving slab missing or jutting out causing a trip hazard.

At The Injury Lawyers we also have many claims whereby clients have fallen down uncovered manholes, or the manhole has not been well maintained, and thus poses a trip hazard. There is a duty to ensure the public highway remains free of such hazards, whether it be owned by an electricity/water company, or the local council. There should be inspection policies in place to ensure highways are maintained and kept free of hazard as far as is reasonably possible.

If you have had a tripping accident on a public highway it is important to report the defect to the authority who has the responsibility for the maintenance of the area. If the accident took place at work or in a supermarket as mentioned above, it is important to report the accident to a member of staff as they may need to fill in an accident report.

At The Injury Lawyers we have a vast amount of experience in dealing with tripping claims, if you would like any information regarding how you can claim, then feel free to get in touch.

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