Bus Accident Claims

When we think about compensation and road traffic accidents, I can hazard I guess that car accidents will be the first thing that comes to mind. Of course, many of the accidents on the roads do involve both parties being cars; but there are also many other accidents on the road which may also entitle the victim to compensation.

The title of this blog being bus accidents means you can probably guess what type of accidents I will be discussing – YES,  its bus accidents.

If you have been involved in a road accident whilst on a bus which has caused you injury as a result, you have a high chance of having a claim for personal injury. This is because if the accident was due to the fault of the bus driver you may have a claim against the bus company who are vicariously liable for the driver’s actions. This means that the bus company can take responsibility for his actions. If on the other hand the cause of the accident was another road user, then you may have a claim for personal injury against them. In summary, in either scenario you may have a claim.

In saying the above, you may not have been hurt on a bus through a road accident, but through some other means. There are many potential hazards on busses such as falling over if the driver violently jerks the bus to a stop, or tripping over something in an aisle. You may not think it but in these scenarios you may also have a claim for personal injury against the bus company. Bus companies have a duty of care to protect their passengers from risks to their health and safety. They must also abide by strict health and safety regulations.

Many of our clients after being involved in accidents whilst travelling on a bus have reported to us that they have been approached by the bus companies with an offer to settle their claim.  There is a high chance that this offer will be undervaluing your claim, and so without independent legal advice, you may end up settling your claim on a final basis (i.e. you cannot go back and request anything else in relation to that accident) when in reality if you instructed a solicitor you may have obtained a lot more.

At The Injury Lawyers we give free claim assessments whether we take the claim on or not, so you really have nothing to lose. Our representation costs you nothing as we get paid by the other side’s insurers, or we waive our fees off entirely if the claim loses.

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