No Win No Fee Solicitors – Real Injury Lawyers

If you really do your homework about which lawyer you want to represent you for your claim for compensation, you may end up locking yourself in a small room and screaming for a little while after discovering there are literally HUNDREDS of us out there!

So – Who on earth do you choose to represent you for your claim?

Well, here’s a little advice about what you should and shouldn’t look for in an Injury Lawyer that should get you the best service and the maximum payout. So, if you’ve finished screaming, take a breather and digest this advice:

Real Injury Lawyers

How do you know that the website you look at or the number you dial is for a real injury law firm? It can be difficult to tell, and it can sometimes be really easy. First things first – go direct to an injury lawyer every time. Never go through an insurer or a claims management company who will simply refer your claim over to a solicitor for a referral fee; leaving you with either a cut from your claim or a poor service from a cash strapped solicitor.

If you’re on a website, read through the entire site as much as possible. Checkout the “About” sections to see what the company actually does, or look at the small print at the bottom of the pages. If it says anything like the following, you should probably avoid it:

  • Regulated claims management activities
  • … comply with the Solicitors Introduction and Referral Code
  • Consult an actual injury solicitor before pursuing any action
  • You will be put you in touch with a specialist solicitor
  • We do not give you legal advice

Anything like this means you are probably looking at the website for a claims management company or some agency that simply takes your details, maybe offer you some advice, and then pass your information them over to a solicitor for a price.

In fact, anything that has “… regulated by the Ministry of Justice – Registration Number CRM…..” you should probably avoid them. If they speak about “lists of lawyers” or anything hinting that they will not be dealing with your claim, you should avoid it.

It can be quite easy to tell if it’s a genuine law firm you’re dealing with. It might be rather obvious and give you the facts: we are genuine Injury Lawyers. Or it may give you actual legal advice and speak about how we run claims and what we do for our clients.

We The Injury Lawyers are real injury lawyers. That is, we are a firm of actual injury lawyers. When we take your claim on, it’s us that deal with it – not some other law firm. We are no claims management company or insurer; we are dedicated legal representatives.

So, if you’re looking to be on a panel or are looking to sell claims to us, we ask you kindly not to call us and waste our time! Our claims helpline is for the victims of accidents to get free, no obligation legal advice – even if we don’t take your claim on.

But hey – this is just the advice from a claims specialist at an independent injury law firm. On a heart to heart level – go with the firm that you feel most confident in, and who you will believe will give you the best service levels. All I ask is that you take the following in to consideration:

  • Going with an independent law firm directly cuts out any middlemen, backhanders, referral fees, and claims being sold. This means you should not end up with having to pay for the fee, and you should not end up with lower service levels thanks to your cash strapped solicitor wasting money o buying your claim!
  • Get a Genuine No Win No Fee: this means, win or lose, no costs guaranteed. Ever, ever, ever!
  • Check the paperwork before signing!

For further information, please feel free to get in touch.

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