Road Traffic Accidents

Driving can be extremely hazardous at times, but we would hope for the most part that it is not. In order to avoid being involved in road traffic accidents we not only have to drive well and with the due care and attention ourselves, but we also have to put our trust in other road users around us and that they are doing the same.

On the most part this trust is well founded and we remain safe whilst using the roads; however, there are occasions when other road users put our safety in jeopardy. At The Injury Lawyers we see this time and again – with clients approaching us after being involved in what could have been a serious road traffic accident situation. Also, just listening to items on the radio such as traffic news updates recalling numerous accidents that have taken place on the road that day, also serves to make us aware of the dangers of the road.

Road traffic accidents most commonly happen at the meeting places of traffic.  Like I mentioned before – radio stations often report hold ups at motorway junctions or cross-roads due to accidents having taken place at these locations.

Places such as motorway junctions can be a hazardous place for many reasons. Firstly you get drivers realising at the last possible moment that they need to exit the motorway and try and cut across what may be 3-4 lanes of traffic in a panic. This in turn panics drivers around them and could cause a catastrophic collision. Secondly, junctions can be a place where traffic can back up onto the motorway. If drivers are not paying the necessary care and attention, and have not left enough distance from the car in front, a train of rear end shunts could occur.

Roundabouts are another accident hot spot. This is because many roundabouts can be multi-laned and confusing – so again if a driver is not accustomed to using it they may get panicked and try to cut across lanes in order to take the exit – thus causing a collision.

At The Injury Lawyers we understand the frustrations of our clients that through no fault of their own have been hit by another driver which has caused them injury. These injuries may not only be painful but could be having an extremely detrimental effect on their life as a whole.

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident feel free to contact our specialist team at The Injury Lawyers.

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