Third Party Capture

Where you have been involved in an accident and sustained a personal injury through no fault of your own it is likely that you will be entitled to compensation.  This is because you will have been put out and should be placed back in the position you would have been in had the accident not have occurred. 

It is not uncommon following an accident that the other side’s insurers may contact you to offer you this compensation.  In fact, the thought of receiving compensation so soon after your accident will no doubt seem particularly appealing to most. 

But just stop and think for a second – if you ever receive an offer of compensation from the other side’s insurers, ask yourself: why they are offering you compensation?  Are they really doing it out of the kindness of their hearts? Or maybe they are doing it because they feel they owe you some kind of duty? Or actually is it because they know you have a legitimate claim for compensation and know that if they can get you to agree to their compensation package without you seeking proper legal advice, they will be able to settle your claim for much less than it’s true value and actually save themselves a whole heap of money.  If you agree to their compensation, that is it! You can no longer go back and ask for more – it is a final settlement.

In the legal profession this process is known as ‘Third Party Capture’.  In short, this is where an insurer will try and settle your claim directly with you and for as little as possible without giving you time to seek quality, independent legal advice.  Simply put, the insurers are not doing you a favour by settling your claim.  They are doing themselves a favour by saving themselves money!  If you have not received free independent legal advice from a professional injury lawyer it is likely that if you settle your claim yourself you will receive less compensation than you deserve.

Really the only thing I can think of that is better for you by settling your claim independently and directly with the other side is that you will get your compensation faster.  No lawyer can immediately get you compensation.  However, what I would ask is that you consider this.  Would you rather, by way of example, have £5,000 compensation, or £10,000 compensation 3-4 months later? I certainly know which one I would choose.  If you want to receive the maximum compensation you may deserve, then get in touch with The Injury Lawyers who can provide you with independent and free legal advice and representation straight away. 

The Injury Lawyers will fight tooth and nail for you and always make sure you get 100% of the maximum compensation you deserve.

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