Serious Accident at Work Lawyers

The Oxford Mail has reported that a self-employed builder has been awarded over one million pounds in compensation having suffered a horrific injury whilst working on a building site.  It is said that Dean Winstone sustained spinal injuries having tripped and fallen from scaffolding whilst doing up someone’s home back in 2007.  Mr Winston is now paraplegic and requires the use of a wheelchair fulltime.  Mr Winston was in hospital for over a month initially, and has been there back and forth for nearly two years.  Sadly for Mr Winstone he will never be able to work again.

Mr Winstone was awarded £1.25million in compensation this week by a judge in the High Court in London.  This is to help put Mr Winstone back in the position he would have been in had the accident not have occurred.  In other words he was compensated for his terrible spinal injuries and his future loss of earnings that have resulted from him not being able to work again because of the nature of the injuries he suffered. 

In fact, the compensation also takes into account the fact that Mr Winstone will need further medical treatment in the future.  So part of this £1.25million is to help him pay for those future medical costs.  This was necessary because the medical experts that have aided Mr Winstone’s recovery have noted that he is likely to need a greater amount of help in the future owing to the worsening of his condition as he gets older.

If you instruct a quality personal injury lawyer like those at The Injury Lawyers they will fight tooth and nail to ensure that you get the maximum compensation you deserve.  The Injury Lawyers also guarantee that you will receive 100% of your compensation.  We simply will not take a penny from your compensation; it really is all yours! We even provide you with a written agreement saying the same so that you can put your mind at ease that there will be no unexpected bills coming through your letterbox. 

What’s even better about The Injury Lawyers is that we always update our client’s every two weeks.  These are high service levels that we believe you deserve.  So, if you have sustained an injury through no fault of your own, please do get in contact with us. 

Our legal advice is free and there are no obligations for you do pursue your claim with us.

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