Accidents at your Place of Employment

Having an accident at work can be a traumatic event. Whether you have a love for your work and relish the idea of going in everyday, or whether you dislike your work to the point where you dread it – I can hazard a guess that no-one anticipates having an accident that was not their fault.

A first point to note – I say first as it can be the first point a client mentions when they report a potential claim against their employer to us – is that an employer is not allowed to treat you any differently due to you placing a claim against them. At The Injury Lawyers we know and appreciate how mentally challenging it can be to begin a claim against your employer –  but that is why we are here to act on your behalf. Employers should have insurance policies in place to cover them for these types of scenarios and many employers would be happy to compensate an employee who has had an accident which was the fault of the employer.

In beginning a claim against your employer you should seek out a specialist personal injury lawyer from whom you can gain advice – this should be done as soon as possible while the events are fresh in your mind. Many law firms like The Injury Lawyers will give free claim assessments so there is nothing to lose by simply trying and finding out some information.

If your claim is taken on by the firm it is advisable that it be on a no win no fee basis where there is the least risk to yourself of having to pay the solicitors costs. Any no win no fee agreement should be read through thoroughly to check if there are any situations in which you may have to pay your solicitors costs.

Solicitors costs is the time the solicitor has spent in dealing with your claim converted into a bill. This is paid by the other side if you win, and if you lose any losses incurred by the solicitor should be covered by insurance. So, in summary, check what situations you may have to pay costs.

At The Injury Lawyers we work on a genuine no win no fee basis and have a vast amount of experience in dealing with a whole range of accident at work claims.  We can fully advise of the steps which need to be taken on beginning a claim in a free claim assessment.

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