Compensation Claims – Services

I think it’s obvious to understand that if you are injured due to a faulty product, you are entitled to make a claim for compensation; but what about services that have caused your injuries?

Britain’s industry is primarily comprised of services – so there’s a lot that could go wrong. As long as your injuries were not your fault, but caused through the negligence of a company or another person, you can make a claim under the Sale of Goods and Services Act 1982.

I personally have seen an increase in claims related to beauty clinics and beauty treatment recently. We are seeing burns, rashes, and even scarring from laser treatment that has gone wrong, or chemicals that have caused a reaction. Ultimately, the clinic or practice where the treatment was performed has an important duty of care to ensure you are not harmed through the use of their service.


If a potentially harmful chemical is to be used – such as dye for hair, or industrial creams – a skin / patch test should always be performed to ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. This should be performed every time you have the treatment; even if it’s the same clinic and with the same product in case a new chemical has been introduced, or the ingredients have been changed. If I were you, I’d ensure that you specifically request for one.

If they fail to perform any testing and you end up with a reaction, you can make a claim from the clinic / practice responsible for the treatment.


All staff at the practice should be fully and comprehensively trained in any procedures they are performing on you. This training should be closely monitored and recorded. If you end up injured because a member of staff performing treatment on you hasn’t had any proper training, and, for example, uses too much of a chemical, or uses to higher intensity laser, you can make a claim from the practice.

When Things Go Wrong

Even accidents can result in a claim for negligence. OK – so the person performing the treatment or procedure didn’t mean to harm you; it was an honest mistake. But the insurance the practice has in place should still protect you. If your pedicurist accidentally slips and pierces your skin with a file, you can make a claim for their own personal insurance (if applicable) or the practice insurance. If your hair stylist accidentally cuts you with the scissors, the same applies.

Ultimately, any service provider has an important duty of care to anyone they provide their services to. If you are injured through the fault of the service provider, you can make a claim for compensation from their insurance; something they should legally have.

For more information on claims involving services gone wrong, or any other claims where you have been injured through no fault of your own, please get in touch for a free and friendly no obligation chat about your options.

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