Serious Injury Solicitors

We are The Injury Lawyers – an independent firm of specialist personal injury solicitors. We’re an actual law firm – we are not middlemen and we are not just a claims company that will sell your information on to a lawyer/solicitor; when you call us, it will be us that will deal with your claim.

Although we specialise in literally all areas of injury law (it’s all we do!), we are in fact specialist serious injury solicitors as well. Our Principal Solicitor has been specialising in serious injury claims for a number of years now, and his experience breeds throughout our entire practice – making us a firm choice for successful serious injury claims. We have, and have had, many serious injury claims (ranging from tens of thousands to millions of pounds), and we always get the best outcome.

So – what makes us so unique?

Firstly, if you’re reading this and your injury is only minor or moderate, don’t panic! As injury specialists, we will get you a fantastic conclusion. We specialise in all areas of injury law – our name does what it says.

Moving forward, here’s why we are a number one choice, aside from the above:

Our unique genuine no win, no fee agreement!

Serious injury claims can take a long time to settle. We need to do a lot more to make sure you are fairly and justifiably compensated with the right amount. Our fees will be recovered from the other side; they are likely to be higher for a serious injury claim given that we will need to do more work on your file.

With payouts in the millions, it’s almost too tempting for a solicitor to realise they can squeeze some money out of the victim. In fact, most standard no win no fee claims normally state your solicitor will only seek to recover their legal fees from your opponent; meaning another solicitor could turn to you in the event their fees are not recovered in full from the other side. And let’s face it; with the amount of money the victim receives, they probably won’t question it…

But when we conclude the case and get our client the payout, we won’t be finding any excuses or technicalities in the agreement to try and swipe some of our client’s payout. The reason is because we actually can’t. In a loose way of putting it, we have spiked our own agreement to say that, in the event we cannot recover any or all of our fees from your opponent, we (and I quote) “shall NOT look to recover the fees from you.”

We cannot charge you. Our agreements states we can’t. So rest assured we won’t be trying to pocket any of your payout.

Our Service Levels

We don’t just process your claim from stage to stage – we progress your claim from the inception all the way through to a successful conclusion, informing you every step of the way, and providing you with our quality advice at all times. We will update you at least every 14 days, so you can be rest assured that we are always working hard on your claim to move it forward (and in case you were wondering, an update policy of every 2 weeks is comparatively amazing!). We endeavour to return all phone calls, and deal with all post on a same day basis – again, moving your claim forward at the fastest possible rate.

These may all seem like small things – but every little really does help. We aim to do all that we can to make you happy, and we are more than happy to accommodate your needs in any way that we can.

You are not just a statistic or a number – you are our valued client, and we are here to help you.

What’s Next?

The best thing to do is give us a call 0800 634 7575 and speak to one of our team of dedicated claims specialists or a solicitor directly who will be able to provide you all of this advice and more over the phone.

We will come out to see you at a time and date convenient for you at your own home to go through the paperwork free of charge. We will comprehensively educate you on what will happen, and we will immediately seek to arrange private medical care to suit your needs for helping to assist with your injuries – all at no costs to you.

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