Third Party Capture

So, here’s the situation: You have been unfortunate enough to have been involved in a road traffic accident, and as a result, you have sustained an injury – let’s say whiplash.  It is clear from a legal perspective that your accident is not your fault; it is the fault of the negligent third party driver.  This means that you are entitled to compensation

The negligent driver’s insurers get in touch with you and say something along the lines of ‘it looks like the accident was not your fault, and yes, we can see you were injured.  We are really sorry about this and we realise we should compensate you; so here’s £500.00’.  Naturally, the thought of £500.00 is quite appealing I would imagine; especially if your whiplash is not too severe.  You accept, but later realise your injury was much worse and needs more attention, and you believe you should get more money.  Problem: By accepting the £500.00, you have settled your claim and left yourself undercompensated.  At The Injury Lawyers we hear of this on too many occasions.  The technical name for this is ‘Third Party Capture’.  This blog sets out some free advice for those who have been involved in a road traffic accident.

If you have been in a road traffic accident which was not your fault, and you have suffered an injury, it is likely that you are due compensation.  It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to seek legal advice for your potential claim.  And I am not just saying this to ensure the income of solicitor’s.  Don’t believe me? Well, give The Injury Lawyers a call.  Our advice is 100% free and there are absolutely no strings attached.  If you want, you can take our advice and look elsewhere for another legal representative – not a problem.  We are happy if you’re happy, and we are also happy when people do the sensible thing and seek free legal advice.  At least this way you do not under settle your potential personal injury claim and are left with no option but to rue this decision.

At the end of the day, if you have had an accident and the other side offers you money, the reality is that they want you to accept this offer because they know that without legal advice they can settle your claim cheaply, and then that money they should owe you remains in their pockets.  It is unlikely in my opinion that the other side’s insurers truly care about you and your injuries, because at the end of the day, they are a business trying to save some money.  Yes, maybe the negligent driver is truly sorry for the accident, and feels awful about the pain you have suffered – but the insurer’s, well, I think they have £’s in their eyes.  The only real plus point is that your claim for compensation is over and done with, there is no chance of it dragging on, and you can get your money almost straightaway.  But would you rather have £2,500 in a few months, or £500.00 now?

If you have been involved in an accident, it is important that you do not settle your claim without quality legal advice.  We do not charge for our advice or for the conduct of your claim.  You do not have to instruct us, but please bear in mind that we are experienced personal injury lawyers who are on your side, and will fight tooth and nail for your claim, making sure you get 100% of the maximum compensation you deserve.

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