Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome

If you are exposed to vibrations for prolonged periods of time, it may be that you will end up suffering from Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (‘HAVS’) or, as it was previously known, Vibration White Finger.  It is common for people, like manual labourers, who work with vibrating work tools such as power drills or chainsaws on a daily basis to end up suffering from HAVS. 

The common symptoms of this syndrome are a feeling of numbness in your fingers, or, in fact, your fingers may even turn white.  If you work with vibrating equipment and have any of these symptoms, it is best, as is this case with any injury suffered, to seek medical advice.  Each year thousands of people are diagnosed with this industrial disease.  Interestingly, it is estimated that around 1 in 10 people who work with vibrating work equipment will at some point notice the symptoms of HAVS. In the last seven years the Government has compensated thousands of people suffering from HAVS in a sum reaching over £100million.

If you believe that you are suffering from HAVS and you have sought medical advice the next step is to contact a quality injury lawyer who can advise you on your potential claim.  Under The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005, your employer owes you a duty of care to ensure that you are exposed to the minimum amount of vibrations as possible.  If they fail in this duty then it may be that you deserve compensation.  Essentially, your employer should ensure that you are not unnecessarily exposed to vibrations when at work, that where you are required to be exposed to work with vibrating tools this is limited, and that you are taught how to properly use these tools.

If you feel that your employer has failed in this duty, but you are unsure, the best thing you can do is speak to a professional injury lawyer with years of experience dealing in these sorts of claims.  The Injury Lawyers are dedicated to personal injury claims and are just a phone call away from a confidential, independent and, importantly, free, no-obligation chat about your potential claim.  You have nothing to lose by getting in touch with us.

Remember – you do not go to work to be exposed to dangerous levels of vibrations.  You should be going to work safe in the knowledge that you employer, under a stringent duty of care to you, is doing all they possibly can to make your working environment as user friendly as possible.  If your employer does meet this duty of care and you are subsequently injured, the likelihood is that you may be due compensationThis could include a claim for any loss of earnings that result from your having to take time off work.

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