Motor Insurers Bureau

For many, being involved in a road traffic accident is bad enough if you have suffered an injury as well as damage to your car; plus it is just a general hassle having to sort everything out! But for people who have been hit by an uninsured or untraced car, the frustration felt can be made all the more worse.  The majority of us pay our car insurance on time and ensure all renewals are up to date – we would also take responsibility for our actions by stopping if we were responsible for a road accident – this is why it can be so frustrating when a small minority do not.

Hopefully, this blog will give you some light at the end of the tunnel. If you have been hit by an uninsured or untraced driver, and you have suffered an injury as a consequence, you may still have a claim through the Motor Insurers Bureau – or MIB as they are more informally known.

The MIB was formed in 1946 and is funded by motor insurance companies. Basically, it is funded through a proportion of our motor insurance premium which the MIB calculate to be around £15 – £30 per policy. We deal with claims through the MIB, handling your claim from start to finish. We may not only handle your claim for compensation for your injuries, but also, if needs be, we can claim for any vehicle repairs that are needed as a result of your accident as well.

If you have been injured as a result of the actions of an uninsured or untraced driver, then you may have a claim for compensation. In order to strengthen your claim there are a few things that should be done:

  1. Report the incident to the Police who may need to compile a report – report the circumstances of the accident as fully as possible as a Police report can be used as evidence later down the line of a claim.
  2. Seek medical attention for your injuries – this not only assists with your injuries, but allows the medic to place a record in your medical notes.
  3. Check for any witnesses to the accident – this can be especially important where the driver at fault is untraced, as you may need this further proof that an accident  actually occurred.
  4. Seek advice from a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible – a lawyer will be able to deal with the MIB for you and relieve the ‘hassle’ which many feel as a result of a road accident.

If you have been injured in a Road Traffic Accident and the other driver has no insurance or worse fled the accident scene, and would like some free advice on what happens next, then feel free to get in touch.

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