Motorcycle Accident Claiming

Motorcycles, as well as vehicles such as mopeds and bicycles, are some of the more vulnerable users of our roads. One of the reasons for this is that they may not be so plain to see as a car or van. This is one of the reasons for advertisement campaigns such as the one on television not long ago. This advert showed a man pulling out a minor road onto a major road he; looked both ways and pulled out – however, he did not see the motorcycle come round the corner, thus leading to disastrous consequences.

Early Financial Assistance

Statistics show it is males that are between the ages of 30-39 that are most likely to ride motorcycles. It is this group of people who may be coming up to the peak of their careers, and may have young families to support. This is all the more reason to begin a claim as soon as possible after the accident.  Once a claim is commenced, it starts the clock for the Defendant to respond with a decision as to liability (fault) on a claim. It is once liability is admitted that applications can be made for interim payments. Interim payments are payments which can be made to a Claimant before the conclusion of the case. These payments are then deducted from the final settlement figure.  These payments can provide vital financial support before your claim can settle – especially when the Claimant is unable to go to work and is not being paid as a result.


Accidents involving motorcycles can result in serious injuries; with respect to personal injury claiming, it can mean that it lasts longer. The reason for this is that a solicitor will normally advise you not to settle your claim until you have fully recovered, or have recovered as much as you are likely to. This ensures that you do not inadvertently under settle your claim – for example, based on a medical report which says you will recover in 6 months when you may still be in pain 2 years down the line. At The Injury Lawyers, we are able to offer early private medical treatment to our clients – this can be physiotherapy, osteotherapy or chiropractic treatment. This is at no cost to you – if you win your claim, it is paid by the other side; if you lose your claim, the cost is covered by insurance. This means that you skip possible NHS queues and get the treatment you need faster.

If you have any further queries regarding the above or have a potential claim you wish to discuss – feel free to give us a call.

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