Hassle Free Compensation Claiming

I envisage that there are many potential accident claims out there that are going by unclaimed.  One reason I can see for this is that people may feel it will be too much hassle to start a claim after what may have been a traumatic accident.

Well, I am here to tell you the opposite (so long as you get the right lawyer). Personal injury claiming with the right lawyer on board can be a simple process with as little hassle for you as possible. At The Injury Lawyers, we find the most stress is caused to clients when they do not know what is happening with their claim; this is why we have a policy of updating our clients every two weeks, whether something has happened or not. This not only makes sure our client is kept in the loop, but also that their claim is checked and worked on, on a regular basis.

When you start a claim there is a high chance it will come under the Pre-action Protocol for Personal Injury. This system encourages claims to settle at the earliest stage possible – i.e. before going to court – thus making the process easier on the Claimant and giving more transparency between both sides at the outset. To comply with this system, a Letter of Claim will be drafted giving a full description of your accident circumstances. Once this letter is sent to the Defendant, the clock begins to run; giving the other side 21 days to acknowledge the letter, and a further three months to investigate (normally through their insurers, solicitors, or claims representatives).

Before the end of this period, you should know whether the Defendant admits liability (fault), or denies liability.  Once liability is admitted, your solicitor can then go onto collating information regarding your losses, which may include a loss of earnings claim if you have been off work as a result of the accident, or treatment costs if you have had physiotherapy, for example. Your solicitor will arrange a medical examination close to your home and at a time convenient to you – again, as hassle free as possible.

At The Injury Lawyers we want to make our clients’ claims as easy and as stress free as they possibly can be – so if you want to ask us a few questions about a possible claim, just give us a call.

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