Accidents in the Workplace

People may have mixed feelings regarding work. Some dislike work and dread going into the workplace, whereas others relish the idea of work and enjoy it immensely. Whatever your feelings on work, I can hazard a guess that you would never anticipate having an accident there which was not your fault.

Employers have a duty to protect their employees from risks to their health and safety as far as is reasonably possible; they also have to comply with strict health and safety regulations. Therefore, if you have had an accident at work which was not your fault, and you feel that your employer has failed in this important duty of care they have for you, you may have a claim for compensation.

General safety around the workplace

Your workplace should be in a fit state for you to carry out your work safely. A good example of this is storage and disposal areas in warehouses. If your employer knows that as part of your work you may have refuse, such as plastic strapping from packages, there should be a designated area for this to be disposed of safely. This will avoid strapping being left on the floor for some one to trip over and suffer an injury as a result.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

PPE is equipment that you use or wear to protect you from risks to your health and safety. PPE should be a last resort for employers – they should not be issuing PPE if there is an alternative way they can protect you just as well, if not better. However, if there is no other way to afford their employees protection, then the correct PPE should be issued. Employees should be fully trained in the correct use of the PPE, and employers must ensure the PPE is stored correctly and maintained on a regular basis.

Manual Handling tasks

If your job involves manual tasks then you should be properly trained in how to complete the tasks you have been assigned safely. For example, if you complete repetitive tasks, you may need to be trained in how to avoid getting conditions such as a repetitive strain injury. This training may include advice to take regular breaks and to try to diversify your work as much as possible.

If you need any further advice regarding your accident at work claim, then please feel free to give us a call.

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