Third Party Capture

If you have been involved in an accident where you have sustained an injury at the hands of a negligent third party, do not under-settle your claim.  At The Injury Lawyers, we hate hearing about victims of other people’s negligence who have unwittingly settled their claim for compensation alone directly with the party responsible, and as a result have lost out on thousands of pounds in compensation that they would have received had they had a quality injury lawyer acting on their behalf. 

Unsurprisingly, when we at The Injury Lawyers have to inform such people that they have settled their claim and there is nothing we or anyone else can do to obtain an increase, they are devastated.  In the industry, this is what is known as ‘Third Party Capture’.  It is where the other side, most likely through their insurers, try and settle your claim with you directly.  At the time, it may feel like you are getting what you deserve; but most people soon realise that they have likely been undercompensated.  At the end of the day, our advice to you is simple – do not settle your potential claim without independent and quality legal advice.  Ask yourself what is truly in it for the other side to compensate you directly – it’s really obvious – saving money.

At The Injury Lawyers, we cannot settle your claim faster than the other side can do directly.  In fact, it may take a couple of months longer.  But only the other side themselves can settle your claim the fastest because they are the ones with the money that is owed to you.  What I would do is ask yourself a hypothetical question: would you rather have £1,000 now, or £3,000 in two months?  I know I would rather have the £3,000 later, and I am sure many of you would prefer the same. 

The other side are not doing you a favour by settling your claim quickly and cheaply.  They do not truly have your best interests at heart and they most likely do not feel bad about your injuries, and do not feel that they must properly compensate you.  No, they want to save that couple of thousands of pounds they sneakily can by under settling your claim.  And really, who can blame them? 

This is not to say that if you do settle your claim directly with the other side alone that you will always be undercompensated; there may well indeed be a rare case where they do compensate you properly.  All that we at The Injury Lawyers ask is that before you settle your claim for compensation, step back and ask yourself why the other side are providing you with this compensation, and whether it may just be worth your while to get on the phone and give a quality injury lawyer a call today and see what free legal advice they can provide to you.

At The Injury Lawyers, our advice is free, and it is independent – and the people who provide it are quality injury lawyers with years of experience in this area of law.  Even better, should you instruct The Injury Lawyers to deal with your claim, we do so on a genuine no win, no fee agreement which means that you are never charged a penny for our services.

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