Whiplash Claiming

Whiplash is one of those conditions which can be undermined and overlooked by many. One reason for this may be that it is not so plain to see as a broken bone or a laceration – so many people can discount it. At The Injury Lawyers, we take the exact opposite approach; we know the severe pain it can cause, as well as the devastating effect it can have a person’s professional, social, and domestic life.


The symptoms of whiplash can vary from person to person – they can include:

  • Pain, stiffness and/or tenderness of the neck
  • Swelling of the neck area
  • Headaches
  • Pain radiating to the shoulders or even down the back

Whiplash can be an extremely unpredictable condition – a medic may advise a recovery period of 6 months, when 1 year down the line, you are still suffering. It is for this reason that is it advisable to gain the advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer at the earliest opportunity. A good personal injury lawyer will normally advise you not to settle your claim until you have fully recovered from your injuries (or have recovered as much as you are going to do).  By waiting to settle, it means your final settlement figure will reflect your full pain and suffering rather than potentially devaluing your claim, and settling based on a recovery period which may not turn out to be correct.


Valuations on whiplash injuries are often based on the Judicial Studies Board Guidelines whom band whiplash injuries according to severity.

Minor whiplash injuries can be worth £1,000 to £5,000
Moderate whiplash  injuries can be worth £5,000 to 15,000
Severe whiplash injuries can be worth £15,000 or more

On average, it has been calculated that a minor whiplash claim is normally settled at around £2,500.

How your claim is banded can depend on a number of factors, including the severity of your injury, the effect the injury has had on your domestic, professional, and social life, and the effect the accident and subsequent injury has had on you psychologically. Much of this information is recorded in a medical report which your solicitor will organise for you.

If you have any further questions regarding your potential whiplash claim, feel free to give us a call.

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