It was found at court that the container holding the oil was not fit for purpose, and that Ms Risk had not been provided with any training, as is required by law, so that she knew how to properly handle emptying the oil from the fryer. Furthermore, it was found that the Dolphin Fish Bar had failed to provide Ms Risk with work equipment and clothing for the role – again something employers are required to provide by law.
It is important and well worth knowing that your employer is under several strict legal duties to ensure that when you go to work you are fully and properly prepared for any tasks you are required to carry out. This means that you must be fully trained in your tasks and that you must be supplied with the right work equipment where necessary. Your employer is also required to ensure you work environment is safe. This means carrying out risk assessments and making sure that any defects highlighted are remedied as soon as possible.
If you have been injured at work through no fault of your own, like Ms Risk, then your first action should be to report the accident to your employer. This can be done by noting the accident in the accident book which your employer is legally required to keep. By doing this, there is a permanent record of your accident, and it should prevent your employer from denying the accident ever occurred. The second thing you should do is seek the advice of a professional and quality injury lawyer. At The Injury Lawyers, our advice is free, and is provided with no strings attached. We have a wealth of experience in dealing with accident at work claims, and we are well worth talking to if you need the best advice and quality representation.
We will fight tooth and nail for your case – ensuring that you get and keep the maximum compensation you deserve. We guarantee, through our genuine no win, no fee agreement, that you will keep 100% of your compensation, and you will never be charged a penny for the legal work.