Why You Should Make a Claim for your Accident?

I fear that there are many potential claimants out there taking the decision to not follow through with their potential personal injury claim. This may be for fear of the hassle it would cause, or for fear or what it may cost you financially. Well, I am here to give you reasons why you should take the leap and begin your claim for personal injury compensation.

Claiming can be straight forward and hassle free

With the right firm on board, your claim can be entirely hassle free. Good law firms will have strict service standards in place; these standards should be checked before your decide to proceed with a law firm. Service standards can include regular client updates, such as every 14 days as a minimum, and returning calls and e-mails within a certain time frame; perhaps 24 hours maximum.  These service standards mean you are not chasing your solicitors for updates, and it’s your lawyers that are rightfully doing all the work; being kept ‘out of the loop’ on your case can often be a prime basis of stress for a claimant.

Financial compensation

If you do not claim, you may be losing out on what could be a large compensation payout. Claims are valued based on a medical report which may be arranged by your solicitor – this report contains details of your injuries, as well as details of how your injuries have affected your life.  You may also be able to claim for other financial losses you have suffered as a result of the accident as well – e.g. a loss of earnings claim. This can form a large portion of a person’s claim; especially where they have been absent from work for some time with no pay.

Medical Intervention

Your injuries may require treatment, such as physiotherapy, osteotherapy, or the assistance of a chiropractor, at the early stages. This is something any good law firm will organise for you privately right from the outset of the case – so you would not have to wait on those lengthy NHS waiting lists. This treatment should come at no cost to you whether the case is a winner or a loss.

Improvements in Health and Safety

Beginning a personal injury claim means that the Defendant is put on notice of a health and safety risk. This is normally the catalyst for a Defendant making improvements and rectifying defects – preventing any reoccurrence of the accident. Health and safety improvements are always a bonus!

Claiming costs you nothing

With the right law firm on board, and making sure to check all the terms of the no win no fee agreement carefully, claiming should be at no cost to you. You therefore should have nothing to lose by taking some advice and seeing if you have a claim.

If you have any further questions about claiming, feel free to give us a call.

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