Bus Accident Claims Advice

Have I got a claim?

This is the first question that people tend to ask when they first approach The Injury Lawyers for a free claim assessment. In accidents involving buses, we are often able to advise that they have got a claim, and not only that, but that they have a good chance of succeeding with the claim. If you are on a bus and the bus crashes, it doesn’t matter whether it’s the bus or the other driver at fault: you have a claim. If fault lies with the bus driver you may be able to place your claim against the bus company who are vicariously liable for the actions of the driver (they are responsible for his actions up to point). If fault lies with the other driver, then you may place a claim against them.

Alternatively, it may be the case that the driver broke suddenly causing you to fall over or jolt your neck.  In this instance you may also have a claim against the bus company for the actions of the driver if they are negligent.

What should I do next?

There are some actions which you can take to strengthen your claim:

  1. Report the injury – it is important to report an injury gained whilst travelling on a bus to the driver, as an accident book may need to be filled out. Details of the accident and subsequent injuries should be given as accurately and fully as possible, as an accident report can serve as evidence for your claim.
  2. Check for witnesses to the accident –it is advisable to gain their contact details as their evidence may be valuable later on in your claim.
  3. Seek medical attention for your injuries – this should be done as soon as possible after the accident, as it not only assists with your injuries, but allows the medic to place a note in your medical records.
  4. Retain your bus receipt for the journey – this can support the fact that you were present on the bus when the accident occurred.
  5. Seek the advice of a personal injury lawyer – this should be done as soon as possible whilst the events are fresh in your mind.

If you have any questions regarding your potential claim then feel free to give us a call.

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