How Much is My Claim Worth?

This is an age old question – it’s something I get asked a lot by our new clients. Unfortunately, it’s a little bit more difficult to answer than you might think.

However – with my advice below, you stand a chance at making sure you always get the maximum you are entitled to claim for.

How is it worked out?

Your claim comes in to two parts – one for your injuries, and one for your financial losses.

Your injury claim is based on the nature, severity, length, inconvenience, and degree of suffering the injury has caused you. The gist of it is, the more you suffer, the more its worth.

We work this out based on medical evidence – you will need to attend a medical appointment with a fully qualified medico-legal expert to produce a report defining the above. You then need a fully qualified, specialist personal injury lawyer to assess the report, do their homework, and maximise your compensation payout based on their unique experience and skills.

So – to guarantee the maximum amount:

Avoid Dealing with Insurers and Defendants Directly

Insurers and Defendants are not lawyers – they are not on your side (in fact, they’re THE opposing side), and they don’t have your best interests at heart. This practice is dangerous and has the potential to drastically reduce your payout.

Get an independent lawyer on your side that specialises and deals only in injury claims. With a good lawyer, you are not charged whether claim wins or loses – so you will receive 100% of anything awarded to you, and you have the benefit of an expert fighting for your claim.

Avoid letting your insurers refer your claim over to a lawyer. They don’t do it for free; they get a referral fee which will either come out of your payout, or leave you with a cash strapped lawyer and a reduced level of service.

Lower service levels = lawyer with less money to fight harder for your claim!

Avoid claims management companies


These are middlemen – not lawyers. They will pass the details of your claim over to a law firm; and, of course, they do not do this for free. Referral fees can go for anything between £300 to £800. This money isn’t recoverable from the other side. You either get a percentage reduction of your claim, a fixed amount taken away from your claim, or a reduced service level from a lawyer with less money to spend on your case.

Lower service levels = lawyer with less money to fight harder for your claim!

Get a Real Expert Lawyer

Make sure you get a fully qualified, specialist personal injury lawyer. Specialism speaks for itself. Enough said on this one!

Recoup Your Losses

If you have to pay anything out for your claim, you should keep evidence of what you’ve paid out for so we can claim it back for you as part of your financial losses claim. You’d be wise to keep receipts of any medication you pay out for, invoices for any treatment you have, and tickets for any public transport used, amongst other important bits of information.

Your losses claim can include: lost earnings, medication expenses, treatment expenses (although a good injury lawyer will get you private medical care from the outset at no costs to you!), travel expenses, care and assistance (people helping you out whilst you’re injured).


  • Get an expert personal injury lawyer on a Genuine No Win No Fee, guaranteeing 100% compensation
  • Keep evidence of anything you lose or pay out for

It’s as simple as that!

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