Motorcycle Accident Claims

It’s a common fact that the victims of motorcycle accidents are often left with severe injuries that can be potentially life threatening, or even, tragically, fatal. An obvious point – a motorcycle doesn’t offer the protection of welded metal and multiple crumple zones and other defensive features a car normally has. This factor, coupled with the fact that motorcyclists can be difficult to spot, and people just don’t think about the possibility of a motorcyclists presence on the road, is a recipe for disaster.

If you’re an injured motorcycle accident victim, and you’re reading this blog, please do read on. There is some important information I need to get across to you as part of your decision process for selecting your injury lawyer to start your claim. If the accident wasn’t your fault, you are entitled to make a claim for compensation.

Firstly, I hope you’re not too seriously injured, and I hope you are on your way to recovery. Secondly, take care when choosing your lawyer.

Make sure you get an expert firm of specialist personal injury lawyers to deal with your claim. Avoid letting your insurers sell your claim on to a law firm for a referral fee, and leave you with a cash strapped solicitor, a poor service, and potentially less compensation. If you are seriously injured, this is even more important.

Make sure to avoid letting the insurers for the driver at fault offer a settlement amount for your claim without medical evidence and without a solicitor on your side. You must have a fully qualified expert injury lawyer to protect your interests, and fight your corner of the claim.

If you’re injuries are serious, then take your solicitor selection process just as seriously. Make sure you get:

  • A Specialist Personal Injury Lawyer – with years and years of experience in dealing with complex claims for compensation.
  • A Genuine No Win No Fee agreement that guarantees, in writing, that you get 100% of your compensation awarded, as your lawyers legal fees are limited to whatever is recovered back from the other side (so yes, your lawyers actually cannot charge you). If your claim loses, there are no costs to pay at all.
  • Medical Care Package – it’s likely you may need some physiotherapy, osteopathic, or perhaps some chiropractic treatment (for example) to assist your recovery. With a good injury lawyer, this is all sorted out for you from the outset of the claim at no costs to you – ever. Even if the claim loses.
  • Free home visits to discuss the paperwork and get your claim moving forward at the earliest opportunity.
  • High Service Standards – regular contact (e.g. every 14 days), an actual qualified injury lawyer looking after your case, and lawyer with your best interests at heart; securing an interim payment as soon  as possible, fighting tooth and nail for the best payout possible, and meeting your every expectation and need.

As a specialist firm of personal injury lawyers ourselves, we know the real meaning of client care – and we project it through the bespoke service that we offer.

Given the unique nature of our Genuine No Win No Fee, we are only willing to offer it in circumstances we are satisfied with doing so. So, give us a call for a free, no obligation chat about your options for claiming.

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