Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles are one of the most vulnerable vehicles on the road. One of the main reasons for this is that they can be very difficult to see. There are many great campaigns such as Think Bike!  aimed at reducing the number of road accidents involving motorcycles. Although these campaigns can be very effective, there are still many accidents involving motorcycles, and this is what I will addressing in the following blog.

At The Injury Lawyers, we are aware that for many motorcycle users it is not only a way of getting around, but it is a much loved hobby. That’s we why we offer services such as arranging vehicle repairs and hire replacements at the earliest opportunity for our clients.  We are also able to arrange private treatment for our clients at the early stages of their claim. This treatment can include physiotherapy, osteopathic treatment, or the assistance of a chiropractorand it’s all at no cost to you. So – you can skip the, what can be, lengthy NHS waiting lists, and be seen somewhere convenient for you. This may enable you to recover faster and be back to getting on with normal life at a much quicker pace.

Statistically, motorcycle users are between the ages of 30-39. This is a group of people that are most likely to be heading towards the peak of their career, and may have young families to support. This makes it all the more important to begin your claim for personal injury as soon as possible. This means that liability can be admitted sooner, and interim payments can be applied for at an earlier stage. Interim payments are payments which can be made to a claimant before the conclusion of their claim. It is a sad fact that motorcycle accidents can mean the victim is left with serious injuries – this can mean that a claim for personal injury can take that little bit longer to conclude. If you are absent from work as a result of your accident, and being unpaid, or receiving reduced pay, interim payments can be vital to you financially.

So – if you have been in an accident and it was not your fault, you should seek the advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer. This is best done directly with a law firm. I say this as there are many referral agents out there who will act as a middle man and sell on your claim to a solicitor. When they sell your claim on, it may not be to the firm who have the best standards of service, but to the firm who will pay the most for it.

If you have any questions regarding your claim then feel free to give us a call.

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