Claiming for Compensation

After an accident, making a claim for compensation may be the last thing on your mind, as all you want to do is relax and recover. However, once that initial shock period after the accident is over, there may be a few reasons why you should consider making a personal injury claim:


Compensation is ultimately the main reason why many people bring a claim for personal injuryCompensation is meant to place you back in the position you would have been in financially had the accident not have happened. You have been injured through no fault of your own – so justice must be seen to be done. You may not only claim compensation for your injuries, but also for other financial losses incurred as a result of your accident. These losses can make up a large proportion of a claimant’s case; especially if they have been absent from work, unpaid, or on a reduced pay, as a result of the accident.

No costs for you to pay

Win or lose, there should be no costs for you to pay for the running of your claim – however, this is subject to whatever agreement you have with your solicitor. It goes without saying that this agreement should be checked thoroughly before signing/instructing the law firm. Not all law firms like us will offer a totally cost free service to our clients.

Medical Intervention

Many good law firms will arrange private treatment for you at the early stages of your claim. At The Injury Lawyers, we are able to arrange treatment, such as physiotherapy, osteopathic treatment, or the assistance of a chiropractor. Again, this is at no cost to you, as depending on whether you win or lose your claim, the costs are either paid for by the other side, or covered by insurance.

Hassle free

If you choose the right firm to bring your claim, the hassle to you should be kept to a minimum. Good law firms will have great service standards, such as updating clients every 2 weeks, or always returning client calls within 24 hours. This not only ensures that you are kept up to date with your case, but that your case is worked on regularly. Much of the time and the stress of a claim is caused by the client feeling out of the loop, and having to chase their solicitor – by researching and choosing a good law firm from the outset, this should reduce the hassle to you further down the line.

If you have any further questions regarding your claim then feel free to give us a call.

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