Accidents on a Roundabout

Road accidents are common – we secure compensation for countless road accident victims on a daily basis. You get the more obscure types of road claims, but there are a few common ones that we see a lot of. The thing with accidents on roundabouts is that they can include any (or more) of the common circumstances below; which can all happen any other road accident situation. On a roundabout, they can occur more frequently.

  • Rear end collisions – other drivers failing to stop at the entrance of a roundabout, or failing to heed the traffic on a roundabout
  • Negligent drivers pulling out on to a roundabout whilst you’re already on it
  • Negligent drivers changing lanes on a roundabout when they realise they aren’t in the correct lane – something you should never attempt to do!
  • Drivers failing to give way to their right, as per road regulations, and causing a crash with you
  • A whole range of motorbike accidents where drivers aren’t looking hard enough for smaller road users

They’re quite common – perhaps many drivers find roundabouts, particularly multi lane ones, rather complicated to negotiate.

Personally, I don’t have an issue with roundabouts. If you check the signs and lanes correctly, they’re not a dangerous obstacle to overcome. But I have dodged more than my fair share of accidents on roundabouts when other drivers have almost taken me out!

If you have had an accident on a roundabout, and the fault lies with another driver (perhaps one of the above circumstances has happened to you), it’s likely you can make a claim for compensation. At the scene of the accident, make sure you exchange all details with the other driver – full name, address, registration number, make and model of vehicle, and contact number.

The next step is simple – get in touch with a fully qualified personal injury lawyer to deal with your claim for compensation. It’s important to get a fully qualified expert on your side: because of the nature of roundabout accidents, you need to make sure you can get your vehicle repairs and hire car needs sorted at the earliest opportunity, and get access to private medical care at no cost to you. If the other driver thinks you were in the wrong, you need a strong lawyer fighting tooth and nail to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

By going direct to a proper personal injury lawyer, you should enjoy

  • 100% Compensation – no deductions, no hidden charges. All costs are recovered from the other side, and all legal fees are limited to whatever is recovered from the other insurers. You cannot be charged.
  • No Win No Fee – if it turns out you don’t have a claim, you should never have to pay anything to anyone for the claim – not a single penny.
  • High Service Levelsgo direct to a lawyer and cut out the middlemen taking cuts from your claim. Going through an insurer to get a lawyer (Legal Expense Insurance / Legal Protection etc), or a claims management company, means your claim is sold to a law form for a fee. These referral fees are not recoverable from the other side – so the money is made up by either taking a cut from your compensation (a percentage, or being charged a fee), or leaving you with a cash strapped solicitor with less money to spend on your case. This means lower service levels for you – less contact, less care, and less fight in the solicitor to get the maximum compensation you deserve.
  • Private Medical Care – as mentioned above, you can get access to private medical care, such as physiotherapy, at no cost to you – even if the claim loses.
  • Bespoke Service – your vehicle hire and repair needs can be sorted out from the start.

If you’ve had an accident, and you think you might be entitled to some compensation, feel free to get in touch for a free, no obligation chat about your options for claiming.

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