Product Liability Claiming

Product liability is legal jargon for claiming compensation for a product that has caused you harm in some way, through no fault of your own.

Product liability claiming can be a complex matter, so it is advisable to get the advice of a personal injury solicitor as soon as possible. The reasons why it can be complex are that firstly, there can be some dispute as to who is responsible for the product – either the manufacturer, or the retailer; secondly, if it is the manufacturer, they can be difficult to locate – so that issue can require some investigation. The product may also need to be tested, which may mean sending it back to the Defendant in the matter – this can be a tricky business as you want to know that you will get it back and get it back in its original state as it is a key part of your evidence.

At The Injury Lawyers, we run many product liability claims – I have listed 2 of the main types below:

Faulty Products

On the most part, the items we put our trust in and purchase from our retailer are safe to use because they have been through rigorous safety checks and testing. However, a small number can slip through the net, and this is where lawyers are required. A faulty product can range from a seat that collapsed from under you, to a food product that has been contaminated – if it has caused injury to you though no fault of your own, then you may have a claim for compensation.

With faulty product claims it is important to keep your proof of purchase in a safe place, and to keep the faulty product in its original state, as it may need to be inspected.

Cosmetic Products/Procedures

At The Injury Lawyers we have many claims come through due to a make-up product or personal hygiene product that caused a skin reaction, or a cosmetic procedure that left scarring.

A procedure that we hear about at The Injury Lawyers is that of laser hair removal. This is a procedure, which if done incorrectly, can leave scarring, and can be particularly devastating to a claimant if those scars were left around the facial area.

If you have any questions about your potential product liability claim then please feel free to give us a call.

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