Genuine No Win, No Fee Agreement

At The Injury Lawyers we work on a genuine no win, no fee agreement.  But what does this mean?

It means that we do not charge our clients a penny for our work.  If you instruct us to deal with your claim under our genuine no win, no fee agreement, you simply do not pay us anything for your claim.  If you win your claim, which is highly likely because we only take on claims that we genuinely believe will be successful, then you keep 100% of your compensation.  So – if you are awarded £10,000, we send you your cheque for the whole £10,000.  If you are awarded £1,000, we send you your cheque for £1,000.  It really is that straightforward. 

So – what happens in the unlikely event that you lose your claim? Again, we do not charge you for our costs, or seek to recover any of our costs from you at all.  At the beginning of your claim, we take out an insurance policy that covers us in the event that we lose your claim. And no – you do NOT pay for any of the insurance either!

Under our genuine no win, no fee agreement, you will never be charged for your claim.

Ok, there is one exception.  But it is a fair one.  If you instruct us to undertake your claim, and then say a year down the line, or maybe six months down the line, that you no longer want us to go ahead with your claim, then we may seek to recover our costs from you.  What we are saying is that if we carry out lots of work for you, and for some reason you prefer not to carry on with your claim for no good reason, we feel we should be able to get paid for the work that we have done. At the end of the day, we can’t recover our fees from the other side as your case will not have been concluded. The no win, no fee doesn’t kick in, as the case hasn’t actually lost.  That is fair; and I think you would agree.  What we must stress that this is a highly unlikely scenario and a very rare occurrence.  People do not typically want to stop proceeding with their potentially successful claim for no good reason.

At The Injury Lawyers we are proud and entirely open about our genuine no win, no fee agreement.  There are absolutely no catches.  If you are thinking of instructing us, we will happily send you our paperwork for your consideration.  This allows you to make sure you are happy with our agreement before you instruct us.

If you believe you have a claim for compensation because you have been injured in some way through no fault of your own, why not call one of our specialist injury lawyers who will be able to provide you with some free legal advice today?

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