Road Accident Claims

Road traffic accidents are, sadly, an unavoidable fact of life.  I’m sure that most people come across them in some form every day – whether it is by witnessing one, driving past one, or hearing about one in the news.  I am not sure exactly why there are so many road accidents, but I would imagine it is because of the increased amount of traffic on our roads and because of the human element which sees each and every one of us make mistakes.

Did you know that if you have been involved in a road accident that was not entirely your fault, and you have sustained some form of injury, you may be due some compensation? That is, you can make a claim through a quality injury lawyer to obtain compensation through the negligent driver’s insurance.  So – how do I do this?  Well, the best thing to do is to find a quality injury lawyer with years of experience in dealing with road accident claims, as it is this specific type of injury lawyer who is ideally experienced, and is best able to help you bring your claim for compensation successfully.

Will it take long? I am not sure I can do with the hassle?

At The Injury Lawyers, we can assure you that if you have been involved in a relatively straightforward road accident, bringing a claim for compensation is often a speedy and hassle free process.  From the 30th April 2010 the government introduced a new protocol to deal with low value personal injury claims arising out of road traffic accidents.  What this means is that now your claim is submitted via an electronic portal, which is then received straightaway by the other side, and should be dealt with in less than two months. 

Essentially, your professional injury lawyers will help you go through a claims notification form which confirms to the other side your details, and the accident details, and then this is submitted to the other side’s insurers electronically, who have one day in which to acknowledge receipt.  Once they receive it, they then have a period of 15 working days to provide their position on liability – in other words, to admit or deny fault.  From there, your claim for compensation can be settled with ease if the other side admit liability for the accident.  If the other side are efficient, it could be that your claim for compensation can be settled within a matter of weeks.  Under the old system, your claim for compensation arising from a low value personal injury claim out of a road traffic accident would generally have taken over four months.

Give me a great reason why I should instruct The Injury Lawyers?

Simple.  If you have been injured and you are suffering an injury like whiplash, it is likely that you will require treatment.  Unfortunately, NHS waiting lists can take some time – and this is time you likely do not want to be wasting sitting around in pain.  At The Injury Lawyers, we are able to provide private medical treatment at no cost to you, right from the start of your claim.  For example, we can offer you physiotherapy, osteopathic, and chiropractic treatment. And what’s better, we write in our agreement with yourself that we will never charge you for our work or any treatment provided – it genuinely is free.

If you think you have a claim for compensation having been involved in a road traffic accident then give The Injury Lawyers a call today and we can get the ball rolling on another potentially successful claim.

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