Product Liability Claiming

When I say Product Liability, all this means is that you have purchased a product which has caused you harm in some way after you have used it according to the instructions provided. The product has caused you harm through no fault of your own.

There are different types of product liability claiming – the topic of this blog will be on two of them.

Faulty Products

For the most part, we quite rightly place our trust in the items that we purchase. The reason for this being that we are aware that we live in a society where products must be thoroughly checked and tested before being placed on the shelves to sell.  This being said, there are a small proportion of people who do get injured from products that they have trusted and purchased. A faulty product can range from a seat that collapses beneath you, to a safety harness that breaks during use. It can even cover items such as contaminated food products.

If you have been injured through a faulty product, it is important to keep the purchase receipt safe and to keep the product safe and in its original state, as it may need to be inspected.

Cosmetic Products and Procedures

If you have used cosmetic products as directed, and you have suffered a reaction as a result, you may have a claim for Personal Injury. Reactions from cosmetics can range from rashes to severe burns – which can go on to leave scarring.

The Injury Lawyers who have suffered injury from cosmetic procedures, such as laser hair removal treatment, that have been carried out incorrectly. Injuries such as this can be devastating to the victim as they can be on areas such as the face, and can leave you with permanent scarring. If you think you may be in this position, one reason to claim for compensation may not be just for compensation for your injuries, but also for future treatment costs to help reduce or even totally erase any scarring that remains.

If you have a potential claim for any of the situations which I have described above, please feel free to call our office to discuss your situation in complete confidence.

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