The Motor Insurers Bureau

Often clients approach The Injury Lawyers after being in a road traffic accident, where the driver at fault has either fled the scene without leaving any contact details, or their insurers details, or have reported that they do not have any insurance at all. This can leave many of our clients feeling angry and frustrated and unsure as to whether they can pursue a claim in these circumstances.

Upon having a free claims assessment with one of the team at The Injury Lawyers, we are able to happily inform these clients that they may have a claim through The Motor Insurers Bureau, or MIB, as they are more commonly known. The MIB is an organisation that was founded in 1949, and offers light at the end of the tunnel for victims of road traffic accidents in the situations I have described above.  The MIB are funded by motor insurance companies, so ultimately, they are funded by our motor insurance premiums. The MIB have calculated the cost to us to be around £15-£30 per motor insurance policy.

The MIB will not only look at giving you compensation for your injuries, but they will also look at compensating you for any vehicle repairs or vehicle hire needs you may require. Beginning a claim with the MIB means simply filling out a claim form – the whole process can be explained and dealt with on your behalf by a specialist personal injury lawyer.

If you have been involved in an accident with an uninsured or untraced driver, there are a few actions which you can take to strengthen your claim:

  1. Report the matter to the Police – a Police report from an incident can offer good evidence for your claim. However, the accident circumstances should be reported as fully and as accurately as possible, as a report can be vital evidence for your claim.
  2. Seek medical assistance – this not only assists with your injuries, but also allows the medic to place a note in your medical records – this can also offer evidence for your claim.
  3. Check for any witnesses – you should check if any witnesses are present – if so, obtain there contact details. A witness can offer vital evidence for a claim later on down the line.
  4. Seek the advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer – this should be done as soon as possible, as there are deadlines for bringing your claim, and the events of the accident are fresh in your mind, as well as those of any witnesses you have.
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