Compensation Claims

If you have been involved in an accident which is not your fault, and have sustained an injury as a result, it is highly likely that you may be entitled to compensation.  In order to ensure you get the maximum compensation you deserve, it is essential that you get the help of a professional, quality, and experienced injury lawyer on your side.  At the end of the day, they will have substantial experience in this area of law and will know best about how to progress your claim in the best possible way.  So – how do you choose which injury lawyer to act on your behalf?

In my opinion, the first thing you should do is ensure that your injury lawyer has that substantial experience in dealing with personal injury claims.  Once you have done this, you should then make sure that this injury lawyer will work on a genuine no win, no fee basis.  What I mean by this is that your lawyer will not charge you a penny for their work – meaning that you will get to keep 100% of the compensation that is owed to you.  After all, if your injury lawyer was to take even a penny away from you, that would leave you undercompensated.  At The Injury Lawyers, we are proud to say that we never charge our clients a penny for our work.  In our agreement with you, we specifically guarantee that we cannot pursue you for our costs in any event – win or lose.  This means that you always get the whole of your compensatory award – exactly how it should be.

One of the main reasons we can do this is because we only take your claim on if we genuinely believe it will be successful. What this means is that once your case is won we can recover our costs from the other side.  Further, in the unlikely event that your case is unsuccessful, we are covered by an insurance policy which means that we never seek to recover our costs from you.  Another reason we do not charge our clients is because we never pay a referral fee for your claim.  It may surprise you to find out that several ‘injury lawyers’ actually turn out to be claims referral companies who get you on board and then sell your claim, for anything up to around £800 to a solicitor who will then deal with your case.  What this means is that solicitor will then always be trying to recoup their costs.  This could mean by charging you, or lessening their service levels to save costs.  At The Injury Lawyers, we never pay a referral fee for your claim!

Once you have established whether your potential lawyer will fight tooth and nail for your claim for free, you should consider a couple of other things.  These include their service standards, and what else they can offer.  At The Injury Lawyers we are well aware that our clients always want to be kept up-to-date with their claim, that is why we update you a minimum of once every fortnight, and also pledge to return any incoming calls from yourself within 24 hours, or when practicable.  What’s more, at The Injury Lawyers we know that our clients are often in need of medical treatment, and that this can take time when provided by the NHS.  We can therefore offer some free private medical treatment to help you recover faster.  Amazing!

Instructing The Injury Lawyers is a great first step in your compensation claim – so why not give us a quick call today for a free chat about your potential claim?

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