Whiplash Claiming

Whiplash can be an injury which is caused in many different ways; however, here at The Injury Lawyers, we tend to see it as a result of a road traffic accident more than anything else. Whiplash is a condition which can be overlooked and underestimated by those who have not suffered with it themselves – one reasons for this is that it is not so plain to the naked eye as a broken bone or a laceration, and so onlookers can discount it. Here at The Injury Lawyers we take a very serious approach to whiplash, as we know what a devastating effect it can have on all aspects of a person’s life.


Whiplash is caused by a sudden jolting to the head, which is sudden and forceful enough to move the neck beyond it’s normal range of movement, causing damage to the muscles and tendons in that area.


The symptoms of whiplash tend to become apparent between 6 – 12 hours, or even more, after the accident, and can increase in severity for up to one week or more. I have listed some of these symptoms below:

  • Tenderness and/or stiffness around the neck area
  • Reduced or even no movement in the neck
  • Pain radiating to the shoulders and/or down the back
  • Pins and needles in the arms


When I say prognosis, I mean when will a sufferer recover from the whiplash injury completely.  The answer to this is not an easy one, and of course it depends on the severity of the condition; however, even medical experts can find it difficult to give an accurate prediction of when the symptoms will resolve. This is why it is advisable to seek the advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer from the outset, as you do not want to prematurely settle your claim on a full and final basis based on a medical report stating you will recover in 6 months, when in reality you are still in pain 1 year down the line and possibly incurring further treatments costs – as at this point, your claim could possibly be worth a lot more.


Whiplash sufferers often require medical treatment to relieve their injury symptoms. This is why many law firms offer to arrange private medical treatment for clients.  At The Injury Lawyers, we offer to arrange treatment such as physiotherapy, osteotherapy, or chiropractic assistance at no cost to our clients. This means getting quality private treatment and not having to wait on a waiting list for months on end.

If you have any further questions regarding your whiplash claim please feel free to give us a call.

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