Motorcycle Accident Claims

The Northern Echo has reported that a motorist is being pursued for £300,000 in compensation by a motorcyclist for an accident occurring back in June 2008.  Robert McPherson of Pudsey, West Yorkshire, has asserted that Michael Kitching of Northallerton pulled out of a junction, knocking him off his motorbike and causing several injuries; notably a fractured hip, arm, shoulder, ribs, an injury to his pelvis, and causing a pulmonary embolism.  At the High Court in Leeds it has been contended that the accident was ‘caused by the negligent driving’ of Mr Kitching.  Indeed, Mr Kitching has admitted liability for the accident.

It is worth noting that it is not purely his injuries that Mr McPherson is trying to claim for – he is also attempting to claim a significant loss of earnings.  As the Northern Echo reports, the court papers note that ‘At the time of the index accident, the claimant was a self-employed electrician fulfilling a handsome role as a director of his own business.  Following the accident, and because of the injuries sustained, the claimant is now less able to complete the duties required within his business and as such is disadvantaged when compared to others undertaking work of a similar nature to the claimant who has not suffered such injury.’  In essence, Mr McPherson will not be able to carry out the job role he did previously because of the injuries sustained in the accident with Mr Kitching – he has therefore suffered a significant loss of earnings.

This accident demonstrates two things.  Firstly, if you have been involved in a road traffic accident that is not your fault and have sustained an injury as a result, it is likely that you will be entitled to compensation.  You should therefore instruct a quality injury lawyer, like those at The Injury Lawyers, to fight tooth and nail for the maximum compensation you deserve.  And secondly, when making a claim for compensation, it is not purely your injuries that you may be entitled to compensation for.  If you have other losses which stem from your accident, a professional injury lawyer can make a claim for those on your behalf.  This is another reason why you should get an experienced injury lawyer like those at The Injury Lawyers on your side.  They know what the heads of losses you can obtain compensation for, and know how to go about doing this the right way.

If you have sustained injuries through no fault of your own, you may be entitled to compensation.  If as a result of your accident you have had to take time off work then you may be able to obtain compensation for any loss of earnings.  Further, if as a result of your accident you can no longer undertake the job you were doing, a claim for compensation can be made for disadvantage on the open labour market.  Similarly, if you have incurred travel costs going to and from your medical appointments, these costs can be reclaimed.

If you believe you have a claim and want a professional and quality injury lawyer on your side who can explain every stage of your potential claim to you, and who will ensure that you are regularly updated, not charged a penny, and also get the maximum compensation you deserve, why not give The Injury Lawyers a quick call for some free legal advice today?

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