Accidents on a Night Out

STV has reported that a clubber has received nearly £30,000 in compensation having broken her wrist on a night out back in 2007.  It is stated that Angela Spading fell to the ground at Love2love nightclub in Inverness having been knocked by a fellow clubber and slipping on a floor covered in drinks

At first, Ms Spalding had tried to obtain £100,000 compensation having been unable to return to work, suffering anxiety and depression, as well as breaking her wrist; but in the end she received £28,000.  The matter settled out of court despite the Defendant, CFG Leisure, suggesting that Ms Spalding should have taken more reasonable care in looking where to place her feet.  After the settlement was reached, Mr Brash, lawyer for Ms Spalding, commented that in his experience ‘slips on wet floors in nightclubs are a fairly common type of accident, often leading to serious injury with long-lasting consequences…It is easy to criticise people who fall over in nightclubs for having ‘had a few’ but the clubs have a responsibility to their customers…’

At The Injury Lawyers we realise that people like to let their hair down on a weekend and go out for a few drinks down the local, or to a nightclub.  We also note that accidents on nights out do happen, and that in some cases, they could have been avoided.  You may or may not be aware that those who own nightclubs and other establishments owe their customers a duty of care to ensure their health and safety is maintained.  In doing so, they must abide by stringent health and safety regulations, and do as much as they practicably can to ensure that any risks to you are limited.  If you have an accident on a night out in a club that was not your fault, or where you were only partly to blame, it may be the case that you have a potential basis to make a claim for compensation for your injuries and other losses resulting from the accident.  If it can be established that the owner of an establishment has breached their duty of care for you – i.e. the owner was responsible for your injuries – then a claim for compensation can be made.  If you have been injured on a night out, it is a good idea to give an injury lawyer a quick call so that they can advise you on any potential claim you may have.

Here is a quick run through of the things you should do after you are injured on a night out:

  1.     Report the accident to a member of staff so that it can be recorded in their accident book
  2.     Seek medical attention, whether it be a trip to a local hospital, or to your GP
  3.     Get the details of any witness to your accident
  4.     Hire an expert injury lawyer who will work on a genuine no win, no fee agreement

The Injury Lawyers are on hand between 9am and 10pm each day to provide you with free legal advice on any queries you may have.  Why not give us a call today and get the ball rolling on your claim for compensation?

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